Policy Making and Preparation of Human Resources Procedures in Institutions


Course Objectives

  • Familiarizing participants with recent concepts in policies and procedures and their methods of preparation, and being familiar with the knowledge needed on the most recent experiences in the development of human resources policies.
  • Enabling participants to acquire the practical skills in analyzing and characterizing human resources functions in accordance with modern approaches.
  • Enabling participants to acquire the skills to formulate human resources policies and procedures and providing them with models, practical cases and advisory experiences in the field.
  • Strengthening the capacities of participants to organize and prepare an organizational structure for human resources and administrative services in a manner that ensures its implementation and application in institutions.

Who Should Attend?

  • Directors-general, the executive directors, the secretaries-general and their deputies and assistants, directors and heads of department, sectors, units and departments of human resources planning, internal organization, studies, research, manpower planning, quality, heads of human resources and quality departments, and those who are prepared and rehabilitated them to assume aforementioned positions and those who want to develop their skills in the field.

Course Schedule

Basic concepts in preparing the human resources policies and procedures

  • The concept of internal human resources policies and regulations.
  • The concept of internal procedures in human resources management.
  • The concept of administrative policies and human resources policies.
  • Foundations and rules for the preparation and development of human resources policies.
  • Human resources policies components, frameworks and outlines.

Evaluating current policies and procedures

  • Standards for evaluating human resources regulations and policies.
  • Revising of the civil service system and instructions issued thereunder.
  • Balancing the policy lines of employees’ systems and regulations.
  • Evaluating the philosophy and trends of policies and actions.
  • Scope of work in human resources.
  • Processes and activities within human resources.
  • Human resources and their relationship with other departments.
  • Organizational structure and its relationship to human resources policies and procedures.
  • Practical stages of developing human resources policies and procedures.

Analysis and description of human resources functions

  • The concept and elements of job analysis.
  • Stages of job analysis and job descriptions.
  • Financial, human and technical responsibilities.
  • Administrative, financial and technical powers.
  • The competencies and qualifications of human resource functions.

Management of the employment and termination movement in the institution

  • Rules and principles for the development of employment policies.
  • Recruitment and staffing challenges.
  • Policies of attraction and selection.
  • Posting and appointment policies.
  • Establishment and preparation policies for the new employee.
  • Separation, resignation and interruption policies.
  • Policies to resolve conflicts of redundancy and reduction of employment.

Management of the continuity and development movement in the institution

  • Reparations policies (wages and benefits).
  • Training and rehabilitation policies.
  • Transport and secondment policies.
  • Promotions and incentives policy.
  • Performance appraisal policies.
  • Sanctions and rewards policies.
  • Policies to regulate working time and leave.
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