Recent Trends in the Preparation of Cont…


Course Objectives

    • Acquainting participants with the basic concepts of contract terms and annexes, and the rules for the preparation and formulation of tenders 
    • Providing participants with the in-depth study of contracts and how to manage contract operations and how they are concluded. 
    • Enabling participants to acquire the skills and methods of managing and implementing tenders through following specific and distinct steps that enable departments to select the most appropriately contractor in construction, supply and consultancy contracts. 
    • Enabling participants to acquire the skills of preparing tenders, bids and specifications. 
    • Familiarizing participants with the rules for the evaluation of bids and the analysis of bids submitted for the awarding of tenders.



Who should Attend?

  • Directors of Legal Affairs, procurement and supply departments, and everyone is concerned in the conclusion of contracts and agreements with suppliers or service providers, and those who work in departments of contracts and administrative and legal advisers involved in the preparation of regulations and internal systems, whether in the public and private sectors or community-based organizations, and civil society organizations can get benefits of this training course . The personnel who are prepared and rehabilitated to perform the aforementioned tasks, and those who are desirous to develop their skills in the field can attend.

Course Schedule

  • Parties to contracts, conditions and annexes
  • Contract terms and types.
  • Management contracts and conditions for proving the administrative status of the contract
  • The standard of administrative jurisdiction over contract disputes..
  • Parties to the contract and determination of jurisdiction.
  • Unusual conditions and their adequacy.
  • General annex and determination of the administrative jurisdiction.
  • General principles of Contract management
  • Familiarizing participants with the rules of contract in the states of the Civil law system.
  • Identifying the contract rules in the states of the Common Law system.
  • Practical problems that expose contracts to avoidance.
  • Recent trend in contracts and combining between the two systems. (SCF).
  • Contract management at the drafting stage
  • The latest drafting standards in Britain and America.
  • Structure and model formation of the contract
  • Preamble and content of the contract..
  • Terminology and supplements.
  • Tenders in preparation stage
  • Tenders, auctions and their types.
  • Legal provisions to which tenders are subject.
  • Practice, direct order and rules relating thereto.
  • Criteria for distinguishing management contracts and means of contracting.
  • Preparation of tenders and controls of conditions and specifications.
  • Procedures for announcing tenders..
  • Insurance or primary and final insurance and its rules.
  • Issue of tender documents.
  • Rules relating to the conclusion of the administrative contract
  • Methods of selection of contractor with management.
  • Freedom to contract in private law and to restrict it in the State contracts.
  • Restrictions imposed on administration in the area of conclusion of contracts.
  • Obtaining a contract permit and a decision by the administration before contracting.
  • The availability of financial provision and the implications of non-compliance.
  • Liabilities and rights arising from management contracts.
  • The rights of the Administration, the rights of the contractor and the rights of others.
  • Settlement of contract disputes through the judiciary.
  • The right to litigation and various judicial systems.
  • Arbitration and the extent to which it may be used to resolve administrative contract disputes.
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