Fundamentals of Modern Marketing and How to Measure and Evaluate the Efficiency of Marketing Activity


Course Objectives


  • Familiarizing participants with the modern concepts of fundamentals and principles of marketing and evaluating the efficiency of marketing performance and marketing activity systems.
  • Identifying weaknesses and strengths in order to achieve efficient and effective marketing objectives under marketing and competitiveness mechanisms.
  • Providing participants with basic skills to enable them to perform the tasks of evaluating the performance of the marketing activity.
  • Enabling participants to acquire the necessary skills in how to measure and evaluate the efficiency of marketing and sales activity.
  • Providing participants with practical expertise and experiences in the evaluation of marketing activities.


Who Should Attend?


  • Directors-general, executives managers, managers of marketing and sales sectors and their assistants and deputies, heads of sales, marketing and public relations departments, personnel who are responsible for the evaluation processes of the marketing performance in institutions, managers of planning, research, training, development and internal organization, consultants of marketing and sales, institutional and marketing evaluation, and those who are prepared and rehabilitated to take on the aforementioned positions and those who are desirous to qualify themselves and develop their marketing capabilities.


Course Schedule

Modern concepts of marketing and performance evaluation


  • The importance and role of enterprise marketing activity.
  • The role of marketing sales systems in reformulating marketing strategies.
  • Analyzing the vision and mission of the marketing organization.
  • Modern marketing methods and tools.
  • The relationship of marketing to sales and public relations.


Marketing performance evaluation areas


  • Criteria for the evaluation of institutional performance.
  • Reassessing marketing strategy and positioning
  • Reassessing institutional identity and target market sectors..
  • Reassessing the integrative marketing mix.


Marketing performance evaluation systems


  • Fundamentals of Evaluation of marketing and sales performance in enterprises.
  • Preparing and establishing performance appraisal systems for marketing activities.
  • Developing emergency plans in the field of marketing and sales.
  • Developing corrective procedures and action plans.
  • Maximizing returns under evaluation work.


Preparation for the measurement and evaluation of the marketing activity


  • Setting action plans and procedures for the implementation of marketing plans.
  • Setting performance rates and levels for marketing activities.
  • Graphical and marketing indicators.
  • Setting corrective actions and action plans for evaluations.


Evaluation of the efficiency of the marketing performance


  • Redrafting system of the institutional identity.
  • Evaluating target marketing sector.
  • Evaluating market development strategies.
  • Evaluating incentive and commission sales systems.
  • Evaluating sales activation methods.
  • Applying a marketing-oriented enterprise system and the role of adapting to the requirements of targeted customers.



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